Watson Research Lab
Watson Research Lab
James Weimer
Raproto An Open-Source Platform for Rapid Prototyping with Wearable Devices
Dove: shoulder-based opioid overdose detection and reversal device
Short: Integrated Sensing Platform for Detecting Social Isolation and Loneliness In the Elderly Community
iCareLoop: Closed-Loop Sensing and Intervention for Gerontological Social Isolation and Loneliness
Lumos: An Open-Source Device for Wearable Spectroscopy Research
Autowean: Extubation failure risk estimation for critically ill patients
DOVE: Noninvasive Shoulder-based Opioid Overdose Detection Device
GlucoScan: Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring Device
Observational Clinical Outcomes of a Postpartum Hemorrhage Detection Device Development Study
Bridging the Gap between Semi-supervised and Supervised Continual Learning via Data Programming
Medical Cyber-Physical Systems: IoMT Applications and Challenges
Mako: Semi-supervised continual learning with minimal labeled data via data programming
Raproto: an open source platform for rapid prototyping of wearable medical devices
Rt-acl: Identification of high-risk youth patients and their most significant risk factors to reduce anterior cruciate ligament reinjury risk
Vitalcore: Analytics and support dashboard for medical device integration